Корма для собак

Сайт Корма Для Собак Pets

Portly Pups

Pet health has been on my mind recently for a number of reasons. Professionally, I just finished writing an article on the pet health ingredient market for our sister publication Natural Products INSIDER, and I am gearing up to write a feature on natural pet health products for Natural Products Marketplace. Personally, I’ve been able to spend more time with my pets since I broke my foot two weeks ago, but not necessarily in healthy ways. My social life has taken a nose dive because it’s difficult to get around on crutches, which means I’m home more with my two dogs. However, I can’t take them on our normal walks, and preparing healthy meals for them and me is so daunting right now, so the three of us have been gaining weight.

When I came across the WalletPop article, “Is Fido too fat? Pet obesity is growing (surprise!),” I agreed it’s no news flash that as we gain weight, so do our pets. However, the article offered interesting insight I wasn’t expecting.


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